If you’re looking to hire a London Magician, below you’ll find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions when hiring magician Brendan Patricks for your event.
Or Brendan wrote this blog post for more general information about when you hire a London magician.

Q: ‘Does Brendan need a table or anything set up in order to perform?’
A: No. Most of Brendan’s repertoire happens either in his hands or in the hands of the guests so a mix and mingle-type setting is ideal. Brendan can perform at the tables during a party but it’s not necessary to set anything up for him to amaze and entertain your guests.
Q: ‘How does Brendan integrate into an event?’
A: It depends on the event itself. Event organizers often hire Brendan to entertain guests during the more informal moments, such as the champagne reception of a party or while the photos are being taken at a wedding..
He can also entertain around the dinner tables later on in the event, perhaps during the starter and then later during dessert and coffee. Brendan suggests avoiding performing during the main course if possible as it can be seen by guests as intrusive (not to mention getting in the way of service).
Q: ‘How far will Brendan travel for an event?’
A: You can hire a London Magician like Brendan outside the capital too. In fact, he works up and down the country. Brendan has performed as a magician in London and all over the world.. If he is available for your event, he’ll be there.
Q: ‘How much does Brendan charge?’
A: Fees are dependent upon a number of factors, all of which are covered on the contact form.
Firstly, it depends where the event is and travel time. And secondly, how long you’d like Brendan to be with you, which in turn is dependent on how many people will be there. If you fill out the form, Brendan will get back to you as soon as possible with a quote tailored to your needs.
Q: ‘Does Brendan have public liability insurance?’
A: Yes, up to £10 million through membership of Equity, the performer’s union. When you hire a London Magician, it’s imperative they have this.
Q: ‘What is The Magic Circle?’
A: It’s the premier magical society’ in the world, founded by magicians in order to advance the art of magic. It’s based in London and if you get the chance, you should visit the headquarters in a mysterious cobbled side street near Euston train station.
Q: ‘What does the writing on The Magic Circle logo ‘Indocilis Privata Loqui’ mean?’
A: It translates roughly, from the original Latin, as ‘Not apt to reveal secrets’. In other words: “Keep the secret.”
Q: ‘How on earth did he do that?’
A: Brendan couldn’t possibly tell you…
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